Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Turn

Having received the beautiful white and purple doily it is now my turn to make and send out a doily to someone in our group.

This is the doily I decided upon. It was fun to make and quite easy.

This was from a small book of doilies I got a few years ago and had never used. I'm glad I found it.

Will get this ready for the mail tomorrow and off to its new home.

Its fun to participate in a doily exchange.

Have a lovely evening.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look what I found in the mail ...

This is what was waiting in the mail for me yesterday when I arrived home. Made for me by a very talented lady from one of my crochet groups. Isn't this doily beautiful?
I am thrilled!
Perfect colors for Easter and spring. Notice also the beautiful yellow butterfly bookmark.
These certainly made my day!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Sunday, March 28, 2010


The start of a most holy week.
God bless.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Completed Squares

These were my completed squares which are for Bev's project. I see that they have arrived. I'm quite surprised (and happy) to see how fast they made it to her.

A great stash buster.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Sunshine Award

Thank you to
Bev of One Yarn After Another who gave me this award. And this comes from a woman who is busily making things for others and sharing so much, I am honored.

I will work on passing this on.

A Baby Gift

From this

to this

to this.

I'm still enjoying this square. Have made a slight change to the pattern in as I have added an additional row to the white part. This is a baby sport yarn and the added row brought the square to 10 inches.
This blanket, lavender accessories, ribbons and bows tucked into a white wicker basket will make a nice new baby girl gift.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Raining Sunshine


Up and out bright and early, lots to do today.
A day of scattered showers predicted, we'll see.
Even though with a forecast as such we'll make sunshine.

Sunny thoughts to your day.
Share your heart today.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Making My Day

This is what was in the mail yesterday. Can I tell you how much this touched me? Its from a very special friend. Made me feel like a million bucks!

In this fast paced run that we do everyday, in this now high tech world, its so easy to pop off emails, to text a message, leave a voice mail ... the written word, a card, a note is somewhat of a bygone era. Too bad. This card is and will be a treasure.

Maybe its time to resurrect some old ways and in doing so taking the time to reach out with pen in hand, if for no reason other then to say I'm thinking of you.

Thank you to my dear friend for taking the time, thank you for being my friend, thank you for the smiles in my heart.

May your world be touched
with peace and joy and smiles.
God bless.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy Monday

What a wonderful weekend, temperatures in high 60's and low 70's, just perfect and now rain and dropping temps again ...oh well....crocheting and tea for the afternoon.


will lead to this

Every day is a blessed day.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Caring for Others

This is my latest endeavor ... such a beautiful square and easy and fun to make. But beyond that these are far more special as they will be taking a trip to Bev Matheson of One Yarn After Another.

Bev is putting together afghans for a woman's shelter. She talks about it toward the bottom of this post. She has asked if anyone would like to help out to please contact her. The pattern link and picture are also at her blog post. What a wonderful thing to do!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

An Easter Party

Jessa Irene is having an Easter Party.

Hop on over to Holiday-Haven and see what wonderful happenings are taking place.

Some adorable holiday crafting going on.
Come early, stay late as the party is happening
now and will continue to Easter.

Celebrating Spring

Spent the morning cleaning, fussing and puttering. A doily here, a flower there. This spring day just brings out all that is enjoyable.

I call this my Easter Doily ... comes out in spring and will be around probably till May, maybe longer unless I finish a new piece to take its place.

It made its way into the laundry room. Needed some happy greetings here as well, as you all know there is a bit of time spent here.

I copied the color combo in this doily from a woman in one of my crochet groups. I hadn't thought to put the shocking pink and bright yellow together until I saw her doily. Just had to have one like it. Today it came out at my crochet perch!

And ... my crochet perch, where many a cuppa has been had and a project always awaits.

Blessings of Spring

Friday, March 19, 2010

Getting Ready for Palm Sunday

Weaving palms, its been referred to as a dying art. The ladies at my church have been meeting daily (day and evening) for the past three weeks getting ready for Palm Sunday. I'm there a few nights a week. I joined this wonderful group of woman four years ago. Doing this only once a year, for me, it takes a bit of memory jogging to get back in the swing but finally I am weaving away again. These are a few samples of what we have done.

This beautiful rose was made by one of my dear friends (Diane's Doily is her namesake!)

Before working the palms they have to be cleaned, the rough edges are stripped off. The crosses you see here are made from the scraps produced from the cleaning. They are very rustic and beautiful.

I'll get a few more pictures next week of the finished work. They are very beautiful.

Two different braids here.

Very talented people I have learned from.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St Patricks Day Pictures, Images and Photos

An Old Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Latest Doily Project

My latest doily that I am working on is on the cover of this book of doilies, Delightful Doilies, by Patricia Kristoffersen.

I have only done two other patterns by her before but I think now I am hooked (pun intended!).

As pretty as the pictures are I don't think they give justice to how they really look.
I find her patterns are more intricate and dense and they are fun to make.
They are amazingly beautiful. I find her an incredible designer.
My doily color is bridal blue.

About half way done here. Already looking forward to doing another one.

Happy Crocheting!