Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

In prayer, thought and gratitude to all our military men and woman, past and present.

God bless you all.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

We all stumble, every one of us.
That's why it's a comfort to
go hand in hand.
-Emily Kimbrough

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What's Doing Wednesday

Bitten by the cross stitch bug I'm stitching some holiday designs.  Figured if I start now there's a chance they will be done by Christmas.  (I know, I know ... its not even summer but really, its never to early to think about Christmas, is it?).
This is the Quaker Holly design.  It was supposed to have french knots in the center of the flowers and by the leaves but I put red seed beads instead.  I like the shine it adds, which doesn't show in the picture.

This will be an ornamental pillow.  The center is supposed to have the date in it but I'm thinking I may put some type of charm in the center.  Have to pick up some holiday fabric for the back.

Just started my little reindeer.  Isn't he sweet?  Just plain and simple.  I love it.  After this I have a few cute ones for fall which I hope to accomplish. 

Shortly the needle will take a break, the crochet hook will start flying.  A group I belong to is having a doily mailing which I am participating in so will need to get ready for that.

Looking out back this morning when I came in here and what did I see ...

All the years we have lived here this is the first time I have seen a turkey.  Of course when I went to get my camera he then decided to go from mosy to trot so the pictures are not very clear.   

Hope that all are safe and sound.  The storms that have been hitting the middle and western parts of the country have been terrible.  My prayers to all.
Have a nice day.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Early to rise, still no shine and not much expected for quite some time yet.  That's ok, we'll make our own!

Lots to do, places to go, people to see ... busy week going on.  A little posie for you from this sweetie.

Wherever you go, whatever you are doing go and do in peace and joy.


Friday, May 20, 2011

Around A Square Doily - Free Pattern

Around A Square Doily

Size 4 steel hook (or whatever size you are most comfortable with)
Size 10 or 20 crochet thread.

1. Chain 6, join.
2. Chain 2 (counts as 1st double crochet), 11 double crochet in ring (12 double crochet), join to top of beginning chain.
3. In same place as join work 1st corner - chain 2, double crochet, chain 2, 2 double crochet - *double crochet in each of next two stitches, in next stitch work corner - 2 double crochet, chain 2, 2 double crochet,* repeat from * to * two more times, join to top of beginning chain.
4. Slip stitch to chain 2 space, work corner,2 double crochet, chain 2, 2 double crochet, *double crochet in each stitch to next chain 2 space, work corner* around, join to top of beginning chain.
Repeat Row 4 for rows 5, 6, 7, 8.
9. Slip stitch into chain 2 space, chain 5 (counts as lst double crochet and chain 3), skip 2 stitches, double crochet in next stitch around with the double crochet in each chain 2 corner. Join to the 2nd chain of beginning chain.
10. Slip stitch to 2nd chain, chain 5 (counts as 1st single crochet and chain 4), chain 4, single crochet in next space around … join to 1st single crochet.
11. Repeat row 10.
12. Slip stitch into space, chain 1, 5 single crochet in space and in each space around, join to 1st single crochet.
13. Slip stitch to 3rd stitch, chain 2, 4 double crochet in same stitch, (shell made) 5 double crochet in 3rd stitch of next group and each group around, join to top of beginning chain.
14. Slip stitch to 3 stitch, chain 2, 4 double crochet in same stitch, 5 double crochet in center stitch of next shell and in each shell around, join.
15. Repeat row 14.
16. Chain 2, double crochet in each stitch around, join.
17. Chain 6, (counts as 1st double crochet and 4 chain), *skip 3 stitches, double crochet in next 2 stitches,chain 4* around to last double crochet, join to 2nd chain of beginning chain. (NOTE: doily will cup at this row but will straighten out with the next row.)
18. Slip stitch into space, chain 2, 5 double crochet in space, 6 double crochet in each space around, join to top of beginning chain.
19. Chain 2, double crochet in each stitch around, join.
20. Chain 1, single crochet in same as stitch as join, *chain 3, skip 1 stitch, single crochet in next stitch*, around, join to lst single crochet. Fasten off.

Weekend Begins

Its Friday and, so happy to say, a day off.  The sun is even playing peek a boo.  The tomatoes have been planted and a few plants of basil and cilantro.  My favorites.  Now to watch them grow.

Did the weigh-in thing yesterday with a gain of .4, however, I don't think that's bad and as I've been at this for 13 weeks now I'm realizing that some weeks certainly are better then others.  And as this is now a "way of life" I'm not rushing for the further results.  It will come.  I'm at 15+ pounds lost, its healthier and I still eat what I want! And ... I am now wearing clothes that last summer I couldn't!  Its a positive, no doubt about it.

My Around A Square Doily is finally done.  I did make a few changes to it and this version was done in size 20 thread, measuring 8 inches.  The 20 thread does make for a more lacy look.  The size 10 thread will be about 10 or so inches.  Typing the pattern up and hope to post later today or tomorrow.
Have a most pleasant weekend.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Friends are those rare souls
who ask how we are, and then
wait to hear the answer.
-Ed Cunningham

Monday, May 16, 2011

The Tomato Wars Have Begun

Spring has sprung, April showers have brought May flowers, the grass is growing and green and the Tomato Wars are in full swing.

The neighbor ... expanded his delectable garden to 800 square feet this year, oh I'm so jealous.  We watch and when his spade hits the dirt we run for our tomato plants.  Each year now for the past several the word exchange takes place almost daily as to who will have the better tomatoes.  The war, now part of the season, part of the neighborship that exists.  Truth be told, there's never a winner, there's really never a competition, just plain old fun.  There's always a wave, a neighborly chat and the sharing of wonderful home grown vegetables throughout the summer months. 

What's new in your neighborhood?

Have a Nice Day

Its raining, its pouring.  Working all day so won't be paying much attention to the weather anyway.  Its good to get rain but I hope not too much.  The ground is getting quite soggy again.

Blogger is still giving me trouble as far as loading in pictures.  This happened a few months ago and after several days it was ok.  I'm hoping that is the case here as I never can find anyone from Blogger to assist.  Until this straightens out posting will be limited.  Enjoy your day.


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Update About That Weight

The past few weeks have been a plus then a loss; a .8 gain the week before with a 1.8 loss this week.  All in all its working and quite nicely I'm pleased to report.  I'm at about 12 weeks with a 16 pound loss.   I do find I have been allowing myself to indulge a bit (sometimes a lot) following the weigh in which I should probably cut out but it does seems to make this so, so easy.  The best part, I'm moving easier.  Its feels great.  Clothes are fitting, some of which I wasn't able to wear.
Talk about moving, three of us did a 5K walk last night!  That's 3.1 miles.  I wasn't sure if I would be able to do it but completed it without a hitch.  I was thrilled.  Today at the Weight Watcher's meeting we'll get our charm for completion!  Does that sound silly ... maybe, but I'm tickled pink to get my charm.  Saw my cardiologist the other day ... as soon as he saw me he said "you've lost weight" ... we think I can get off some of my meds with a little more loss.  That's super big news and something big to aim for. 

Changing gears completely here, have had a lot of difficulty with blogger as of late so I'm not sure what of this post will be visible if any of it.  If this does post, wishing you all a wonderful, full of blessings, joy and all good things weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

Do not wish to be anything
but what you are,
and to be that perfectly.
-St. Francis De Sales

What's Doing Wednesday Afternoon

Worked this morning and just as we finished the sun came out.  What timing, what a gift.  This is truly an old fashioned spring day.   Spending a bit of time at the computer typing out my doily directions as I try out my latest pattern.  This is the only time I will crochet here, but I have to admit it is more then pleasant.  The window is open to a welcoming balmy breeze.  The sun streaming through the trees making beautiful patterns on the oh so green grass.   I wish you could hear the chatter of the song bird in the nearby tree.  Happily celebrating the beautiful afternoon I'm sure.

Ninth row just completed on the doily, 11 more to go.  There are so many things to make ... I can't help but picture those quilts I saw the other night.  I really, really have to learn to quilt.  Hmmm, maybe a quilt retreat ... I would like to do a quilt retreat.  Going on my to do someday list, maybe sooner then not list. 

To an easy breezy afternoon.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday Treasures

Last night attended a quilt guild meeting.  Oh my goodness, I am drooling big time.  They had the most amazing pieces on display.  King size, queen, twin, wall hangings, tote bags ... you name it.  One woman was wearing a quilted vest.  Just beautiful.  What talent, what artists, what treasures.  I would love to try my hand, something to think about.  Maybe considering joining.  Need to reorganize my time.  I would love to make such an heirloom, a treasure to be passed down.

A dear friend and I went together to the quilt meeting.  Talk about treasures ... she's a one of a kind type friend.  She hears what you say, she pays attention.  She is always doing the nicest things, she knows how to give from and touch the heart.   My love of lilacs, the memories they hold, she knew ... well, when I got to her house there waiting for me was the most incredible bunch of lilacs.  We left them on her steps until we got back and here they are in my kitchen, taking up most of the island.  When I come downstairs to the kitchen I get their scent from less then half way down the stairs.  The window opened, the breeze taking the scent throughout the house.  A trip down memory lane, back some fifty years ago.  I just wrote of this and here it is, now.  What a treasure, my friend, for sure.  Priceless. 

I am blessed.
Thank you.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hot off the hook,

unblocked, 9 inches in diameter  ... Around A Square Doily ... at least that's what I am calling this doily right now.  Haven't a clue as to how this design came about, just started and this is what I finished with.  I find it interesting to see how these turn out when the hook takes over.

 I love the bold color of Goldenrod ... make me think of Sunflowers and Sunshine, so perfect for the warm summer months.

Off to now decipher my scribbles and test the pattern.  This one will be done in white and in size 20 thread.  Usually my choice of thread is size 10, looking forward to seeing how the 20 works up.

Hoping to have a new doily pattern for you sometime this week.  Deciding whether I will press or starch the Goldenrod doily.  Starching and pinning should make it larger and less dense looking.  Decisions, decisions ... 

Sunshine and flowers ...
a good start to the week!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

With Love, Joy
and Blessings,

Friday, May 6, 2011

Signs and Memories of the Season

Noticed yesterday lilac bushes in full bloom.  They always bring a smile to my face and a tug at my heart.  I remember freshly cut lilacs in a vase near an open window.  The window's curtain gently moving about as the breeze wisked by and carried the scent of lilac about.  When I was in grade school my mother would prepare a bouquet for me to take to school to my teacher.  They were so beautiful.  The stems were carefully wrapped with a dampened towel and then foil was wrapped around that.  I wonder if children still bring their teacher flowers.

Wishing you lilac memories.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

What lies behind us
and what lies before us
 are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What's Doing Wednesday

Settling back in after a few days of a visit with a very dear friend. 
A keeper, a lifetime friend ...forty-three years and counting. 
A most enjoyable time, adding to the mountain of memories. 

Before I left the leaves were popping, so yes, they are completely popped now but still have that lighter, spring green.  I expect they will become much darker by the weekend.  This year I did pay attention and for the first time saw the opening of the leaves.  I am always awed by the beauty of trees.  I love a gentle breeze and the rustle sound that can be heard.  A lullaby being sung by Nature.

Picking up my favorite size 4 steel hook  and the bright, soft thread of Red Heart size 10 in the color Goldenrod, started a doily of my own design.  I have had a pattern rolling around in my head for a bit now and would you believe this is not one bit like I have been thinking.  I think my crochet hook has a mind of its own.  I have no idea of where this is coming from, just started crocheting and this is what's coming out.  We'll see where this leads to.  One thing I do know is that I have not made anything with thread in a while and I am loving it.  Thread and doilies still continue to be my passion!  Hopefully soon I will have a new doily to share.

Take a moment to experience.
