Playing peek-a-boo with the sun today. Hoping for sunny for the afternoon as many have parties planned. Graduation, birthday, backyard wedding. The past few days have been all day heavy rains. However, the rain did not silence the cicadas. Our immediate vicinity is free of them, but not far from here there are tons of them and you can hear their "singing". They start up humming at daybreak and and by night fall they are silent. They really don't bother anyone, don't seem to be eating the leaves as the trees are full of them. I find it a strange thing. Three weeks they have been here and within three weeks they will be gone for another 17 years. Mother Nature, never ceases to amaze!
I'm getting an itch to stitch. Its been quite some time since I took needle and floss to hand...looking for a summer cross stitch project. It has to be a rather smallish one so that I will finish it. Not sure yet whether a pretty floral or maybe a holiday type. There's a lovely blog
Freebie Gallery that I will be waltzing through shortly. Beautiful work and links to free charts. Very generously provided. I'm sure I will find just what I'm looking for there.
The hook, well, what can I say, its still moving. Several projects being worked on, a few will have to be put aside for the summer. A friend of mine just gave me rectangular knitting looms. Also anxious to try them out. Goodness, there's never enough time to spend on all these wonderful crafts.
Hope you're weekend is full of blessings and joy.