Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What's Doing Wednesday

Last minute change of plans today so going from out and about and working to at home.  For me a chance to putter and work some on a reorganization I have started.  The Fall always invigorates me to do a little extra but my inspiration came from Old Grey Mare .  Just take a look at this set up ... so neat, pleasant to the eye.
IMG_2678So, for the past few weeks I've been using Michael's coupons and keeping an eye open for baskets on sale.  So far six baskets have been acquired and the organization has been kicked off.
IMG_2685Behind these doors is my first project to be tackled.  I had done some organizing not too long ago, but I like idea of the baskets which will give me reason to unload the closets (which are way too over loaded), decide what is to be kept and what is to be disposed of or given away.

Of course there has to be some crochet time, no?
IMG_2687My Sarafia CAL is humming along.  Actually, I will devote more time to that then my other projects at the moment.  Thinking three more rows to be added.  Unless I find another pattern I like more this may be going to a special lady who just started chemo treatments yesterday.  I was thinking this was bright and cheerful but I'm looking at this and seeing Spring, maybe this should be more of a Fall/Winter feel?  If you have any suggestions or other pattern that would be better, please let me know, I would appreciate it and I'm always looking for new patterns.

Ok, enough time on this ... back to my baskets and then to the hook for another square.  I love the diversity!  Silly, huh?
Happy Mid Week,
Autumn blessings.


  1. straightening out and lightening the load is good...I too always feel better after I have prepared a bag for charity, and one for the lightens the spirit...nice baskets, I wish we could have shopped together.....and no this isn't a silly anything....I love reading and visiting with sister...

  2. I need some motivation for this same kind of project. And sadly I only have 3 squares done with a 4th started. I picked up the bag last night wondering what was in it and low and behold........ I really want to do it too, that's the thing. Happy Hump Day Glor!

  3. Good luck in the organization thing! I need to do some of my own, but I'm too lazy! :-) Keep crocheting.

  4. Yes, I know what you mean about getting the organization bug! I love what you are doing with the baskets! I love baskets and have oodles of them. Try to check out your thrift shops. I buy so many there, for literally, a couple dollars each.
    Love the blanket too. Happy Fall!!
    XO Kris

  5. Your blanket is awesome! :)

    I have always loved baskets...yours look very nice and I know they will help you get organized the way you want.

    Blessings and prayers to your friend going thru chemo.

    Wishing you and yours blessings always my dearest friend. :)

  6. Finally! I'm not getting that malware popup anymore. woohoo! I keep buying baskets to get organized but then I fill them and somehow still need more. It's never ending! So nice to make a blanket for someone who needs comfort. I am slowly working on the baby blanket I started -- hopefully it will get done in another week or so. Hope your day is a good one. Tammy

  7. I think the idea of using baskets for storage and organization as you have done is brilliant. Now I'll just have to erect some shelves so I can copy you. :)

  8. Please, please, please come and help me with my organization! I need some help big time! LOL I think the Sarafia blanket would be great for your friend. I think the cheery colors would be just what the Dr. ordered. :)

  9. Those are such nice baskets and arent those coupons great these days? I find especially during Fall that I tend to organize things around the house more, instead of during Spring lol Prayers for the special lady and I know she will love her new blanket.
