Thanksgiving just a day away. This week kicking off the holiday season. The turkey is thawing and the weather has been cold and crisp with the fresh scent of winter. Brings to mind Christmas carols, peppermint moca coffee and twinkling lights. The bird feeder has been filled. A note on my shopping list for another feeder, a replacement to the one that broke. The holiday puzzle arrived today. Thursday evening will find us laying out the perimeter of the puzzle. The one we chose this year is called
Gingerbread House. Darling houses wih lots of activity surrounding them.

The Aran Afghans to Crochet book also arrived. Such beautiful patterns. I'm sure this book will be well used in the future. This book is the one which has the pattern for the aran afghan which
Heather (The Good Life) just finished. I have to have one.
The aran that I am currently working on is a bit more then half way done. This is such a fun project.

My wool eater is also coming along nicely. Twenty six rows almost completed now and this too about half done. Both of these are heavy weight afghans and so cozy and comforting, perfect cold weather companions. Both to be given as gifts.
Full day work today then looking forward to tomorrow and the smell of turkey cooking, the sound of March of The Wooden Soldiers from the TV and moments of just settling in with my little family.