Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tuesday Treasures

This week ... afghans ...  who said that my number one passion was doilies, well, ok, I did but afghans and yarn are a very close second.    My zigzap and bobbles is coming along with more then half done at 30 inches now.
And yes, I know I said that I wouldn't start another afghan as I have two I am working on now, but... Field of Flowers that Pammy Sue is working on just hooked me.
Can you resist this lovely flower ... I started yesterday with 32 middles done and this one flower.And its such an easy to take along project.  The small pieces are perfect for this warm weather that has hit again.   

Bag all packed and always ready to go out the door with scraps and leftovers which will become these beautiful flowers.  See, I knew I would convince you ... right?

Wait till you see the next ghan that has caught my eye ... LOL.

Keeping in stitches,

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Memorial Day

Thank you to those who have
served and are serving
our country.
God bless them all.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Changing Seasons

Have the cleaning bug.  Window, curtain washing, putting away, taking out ... bringing summer into play.  A little early, but I'm loving the look.  As I was finishing the sun itself came out.  Nice to see after several days of clouds and rain. 
Tomorrow, tackling the family room is on the agenda.   That means organizing some yarn and thread stash.  But that's for tomorrow.  Tonight, the hook begins it dance, the zigzag and bobbles slowly growing, about half way completed.
 Our flag is in place, a candle remains lit for those who serve our country.  Its time for remembrance.  God bless them all.

Happy Weekend,

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Thursday Thoughts

After the game
the king and the pawn
go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Glorious Sunday

Blue, blue skies, high 70's temps, just weather of perfection and ideal for planting before going out today.
Just a dozen tomato plants at the home front, but more then enough to provide lots of delicious summer salad delights.   Son and DIL has 64 plants so the crop this year will be large.  Mmmmm.  Their garden has peppers, leeks,  cabbage, beans, basil (lots of basil) ... there's nothing like fresh and home grown.
The peonines are getting ready to pop.  Several days of rain last week and the lush green grass is the perfect backdrop for the vibrant color. 
 I haven't yet put any flowers in the pots.  I only have a few on the front steps now and truth be told they may be filled with silk flowers.  I'm still deciding.  I'm just looking for touch of color and happy and I think the silks may just do it.  They're quite self sufficient you know.  Fits into the schedule of the times.

Two of my favorite flags.  They make me smile.

As does my zigzap bobble ... I did restart and am doing in double crochet.

And of course, I have found my next project ... take a look at the one Pammy Sue  (Scotty's Place) is doing.  I love this and will be still be working from the stash!  Have a wonderful Sunday ...

Blessings of the Day,

Friday, May 18, 2012

Finding Fabulous on Friday

I have to share a fabulous crochet thrill.  You know how I love to crochet and there is nothing more thrilling then having someone make your patterns and like them.  Well, even that has been topped.  Take a look at this dress...

RedheadedCraftster of
 is making her wedding dress using doilies and she has used two of my doilies.  The top doily is my Birthday Doily (November 2010), the most left one under it is the April Showers Doily (April 2012). 
 I am fabulously honored.

You really need to hop over and visit her blog and see what she is planning ... the invitations are so cute, the cake(s) ... well, my favorites ... wait till you see, and of course, the dress.   I think she is doing a magnificent job.  She is going to be beautiful.
I'm sure you will enjoy your visit and, like me, will be visiting and enjoying the progress of her plans.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What's Doing Wednesday

Thread and hook ...

a few delicate specimens ...

                                 such a wonderful way to relax.

Happy thoughts for the day.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day

"Nobody knows of the work it makes
To keep the home together.
Nobody knows of the steps it takes,
Nobody knows-but Mother."

Happy Mother's Day

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What is your favorite?

Some of my fondest crochets are the smaller ones.
Small doilies, coasters, motifs.  Especially ones that are delicate and lacy.  Its like taking a break in the middle of a large project.  The results are quick and sweet.  I never tire of these.  Many have been given away, some tucked inside cards, several on display, many stored in pretty boxes.  Some I use as bookmarks.  They are always around me.   I shall have to gather together all of them and just see how many there are.  I surmise that there are quite a few, but then, I could never have enough.

What is your favorite thing to crochet? 

Sunday, May 6, 2012

The skies are clearing after several days of clouds and drizzle and the sun is trying its best to pop through.  A Sunny Sunday to be had.

Just had to show you my latest doily treasure.  I love this sweet pattern and think I might like to make several (many) for a table cloth.  But the real reason I am so taken with this is because I did this from a chart!  This is my first charted crochet.  I have never been able to do charts before so I am thrilled.  Its not to say that I can now whiz through a chart, but it gives me the confidence to try another smaller crochet.  Then, hopefully, I can do some of the magnificent pieces I have seen over the years.

Good golly, do I love crochet!

Have a Sunny Day
of Blessings
 wherever you are.   

Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm Back At WW

 Happy Friday. 

I did it ... I've rejoined Weight Watchers, today is number 1 day.  Looking to get into summer wear with ease (I hope).  Right now I am quite motivated, stopped in a few stores this morning and such bright, cheerful clothing.  I will treat myself for sure when the next 10-15 pounds is gone.  In total I still need to drop 20-25.

I've been in a crochet brain freeze this week ... I am working on a small doily and on row three for the past four days.  For some reason the pattern has me stumped so I had to put it down and walk away.  I'm hoping that when I pick it back up I find I just breeze through ... you can tell I've done this before, no?  Don't know what I'm missing in the instructions but its a doozie right now. 

I think I am going to have to pull out another pattern and some of my new thread that is not patiently waiting any longer to get on the hook. 

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

What's Doing Wednesday

 Oh, a little of this and a little of that.  Yarn still being hooked - the ripple blanket slowly coming to completion.  It really should have been done this weekend but I wasn't happy with how a section was looking so ripped out and redoing.  Its been comforting tho working on at night with the cool weather we've been having now.

Have slowed up on the bobbles and zigzags also ... I am thinking maybe I would like better using a larger hook, maybe doing it in a double crochet and maybe crocheting in the back loop only ... lot of maybes.  So I may be redoing this one as well.  There was a time when I wouldn't think of doing over, but have found as I've gotten older I don't mind doing that, especially in a pattern I love.  Wow, does that mean I'm finally developing patience?

Although my yarn projects are still being done out of my stash (and will be for quite a while to come) I recently picked up some very pretty thread colors at Hobby Lobby.  Summertime creations being planned.

But I did have to start a small doily ... there's just something about thread crochet.  I think its my number 1 crochet passion.

Aside from the crochet world, had taken a break from the Weight Watchers front for a bit but planning to re-start shortly.   It really does make for feeling and moving so much better.   I did attend meetings this past time and met such wonderful people and learned great tips and I have to say I do miss this interaction.
To work at noon, think I'll give the steel hook and thread a whirl before having to leave.

Blessings and all good things,