Friday, May 21, 2010

Geraniums ...

Inside and Out

We went to the nursery yesterday to get a few flowers and tomato plants.
One the the hothouses was a sea of red and white geraniums. It was a magnificent sight. So home came 4 geraniums, 2 white, 2 red, immediately planted three pots and a planter of coleus, doused all with water and miracle grow. So my summer flower gardening, though be it so small (3 pots, one planter and a small bed of impatients), is enough to add a splash of color and lots of enjoyment. Now to sit back and watch them grow and blossom.
And of course now that the outdoor geraniums are positioned, out came the picture, the pillow, tray and artifical ones for the house. I'm thinking I may have to go back and get a few white ones from the nursery and pot them for inside in my kitchen.

When I was in high school my mother would plant geraniums every spring. There was a white brick planter lining the sidewalk to our front door and she would fill it with red geraniums. Funny how back then I wasn't that fond of geraniums, actually didn't like them. Now ... they are one of my favorites. Isn't it amazing how your tastes change and I have to say, most generally, for the better.


  1. Love your geraniums, Gloria! Like you, when I was younger they weren't one of my favorite flowers. I love them now though. :)

    I still need to get some flowers bought and planted. I have one hanging basket right now, and it was my Mother's Day present from Laura's family. Without it I'd have no flowers right now. Perhaps this weekend I can go get some. Like you, I won't be planting tons of flowers, but I'd still like to get some to give our yard some "pop". :)

  2. I like these too, they are hardy. They over winter well and can become fresh/new again..which reminds me I have some hanging upside down in the basement. They come in such beautiful colors, they are simple but beautiful.

  3. Love your geraniums! They do well even here in the hot sun in Arizona and add such a nice splash of color too.

  4. Glor,
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    lovely magazine..

  5. Hi Glor!
    I just adore geraniums, too! Yours are really gorgeous!

    Have a wonderful Sunday!
