Friday night arrived home, scooped up the mail from the mail box, dashed into the house, sorted the mail and what did I see???? This little package, immediately noticing the return address of Carmelina of Creative Carmelina and I'm thrilled. I was picked to received one of her tags.
Now I'm intrigued by the package itself. The back side has a tag note, I see the sides are stitched together. She has made her own envelope, a magazine page ... I cut one side open (as I want to save everything!) and out slides this vogue pattern piece tied with this thread and most delicate thread flower/flake. I'm loving this already.
Inside the pattern is the tag ... isn't it wonderful? Have you ever seen such creativity? Everyday items put together to create such a touch of elegance.
Thank you Carmelina for such a treasure.
Thank you for such inspiration.