Weaving palms, its been referred to as a dying art. The ladies at my church have been meeting daily (day and evening) for the past three weeks getting ready for Palm Sunday. I'm there a few nights a week. I joined this wonderful group of woman four years ago. Doing this only once a year, for me, it takes a bit of memory jogging to get back in the swing but finally I am weaving away again. These are a few samples of what we have done.

This beautiful rose was made by one of my dear friends (Diane's Doily is her namesake!)

Before working the palms they have to be cleaned, the rough edges are stripped off. The crosses you see here are made from the scraps produced from the cleaning. They are very rustic and beautiful.

I'll get a few more pictures next week of the finished work. They are very beautiful.
Two different braids here.

Very talented people I have learned from.