Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Turn

Having received the beautiful white and purple doily it is now my turn to make and send out a doily to someone in our group.

This is the doily I decided upon. It was fun to make and quite easy.

This was from a small book of doilies I got a few years ago and had never used. I'm glad I found it.

Will get this ready for the mail tomorrow and off to its new home.

Its fun to participate in a doily exchange.

Have a lovely evening.


  1. G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S ! ! !

  2. Doilies like these almost take my breath away! I must get back into crocheting them. It has been many years since I made one. Oh thank you for sharing!!

  3. How does one join the doily exchange?
